Separation of foreign matters and creation of the substrate

Separation of foreign matters and creation of the substrate (biomass)
Studies shows that approx. 42% of all household waste is organic, valued wastes like PET, electronic gear, glass etc. are usually taken back by retailers. Why not do the same with food waste (which is one of the most valued raw materials)? The patented concept using a highly efficient press-slide system separates organic material from any kind of packaging and other material! It creates a high quality substrate, which is used afterwards for further processing in biogas plants.
The packaging and other materials are guided into the Diesoil separating system, for a further value adding process. The resulting polyolefin will be distilled to mineral oils. Other valued materials deliver further revenue potentials.
We will be glad to work out an environmentally friendly and effective collecting system for you.
Raw material before transformation to biogas

Separation of foreign
matter and creation of the substrate

Separation of foreign

Separation of foreign

Separation of foreign

Separation of foreign

Separation of foreign

Separation of foreign
How it works

Separation of foreign
matter and creation of the substrate

Separation of foreign

Separation of foreign

Separation of foreign

Separation of foreign

Separation of foreign

Separation of foreign